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I'm still in the process of building this website and also making products for the shop so I hope you can be patient a little bit longer! It's been a bit of a journey as I only decided to start selling what I make this year (2020). I'd been making jewellery in silver for the past couple of years but the resin jewellery has been something that I've been completely self-taught about. It's been a joy using plants and flowers from my own garden to do this and it was so nice in the summer when I could sit outside and create bangles etc. (the pictures below show some of my bangles at varying stages of readiness!).

My sister and daughter also said that I should put some of my home-made soap on the site, so you can find that here too (I've been making soap for a good few years now).

The online shop will be up and running as soon as I'm ready, so in the meantime, if you like the look of something, do let me know anyway.

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My Maker's Journal

at Speedwell Designs
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