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Yesterday, I made up a huge batch of lavender essential oil soap with an olive oil base. I don't know how many of you make your own soap but I have to say that it's a very creative experience. Currently, it's all sitting on my kitchen table covered in cardboard, towels and a blanket (this is so that the soap doesn't cool down too quickly in the first twenty-four hours). Later, I'll remove all the coverings and get the soap out of the moulds; it then has to cure for four weeks. It occurred to me this morning that all of the things I do here at Speedwell Designs are sort of alchemical processes. Lye and oils turn miraculously in soap, silver art clay burns off its clay and binders when fired and turns miraculously into solid fine silver and beautiful plants etc from nature are miraculously preserved in resin for eternity (well, you can hope!).

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My Maker's Journal

at Speedwell Designs
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